Namrata's Case Study
Personal History :
Name :
Weight :
Age :
Lifestyle :
Gender :
Medical History :
Dietary habits :
93.9 Kg
25 years
Thyroid malfunction, elevated cholesterol levels, Insulin resistance, elevated cortisol levels.
Assessment :
Member had various metabolic conditions like thyroid malfunction and insulin resistance which lead to excess fat accumulation and caused lot of hindrance in the fat-loss process. These conditions also affected her overall performance in day to day life. She complained of feeling low most of the times through-out the day and was unable to perform her regular activities with complete focus. Her cortisol levels were also on higher side which was also one of the reasons for stagnancy in her fat loss process.
Medications :
Thyronorm 100 mcg
Possible side-effects of medication :
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Anxiety, Flushing (sense of warmth in the face, ears, neck and trunk), nervousness, restlessness.
Medical History Details :
Hypothyroidism: A condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. A deficiency of thyroid hormone can disrupt things such as heart rate, body temperature, and all aspects of metabolism.
Insulin Resistance: The hormone insulin helps controls the amount of sugar (glucose)
In the blood, with insulin resistance, the body’s cells don’t respond normally to insulin. Glucose can’t enter the cells as easily, so it builds up in the blood. This can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes.
Elevated cholesterol levels and elevated cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

Dietary Prescription :
Member’s diet recall was taken in to consideration and balanced diet was recommended. The nutrition researcher’s main focus was on her metabolic healing, strategic fat-loss and muscle maintainance. She was also evaluated for vitamins and minerals deficiencies and supplements were added to her routine based on the results. The primary focus was always on improving her overall health the by-product of which was going to be attaining an ideal body composition.
Conclusion :
By following right nutrition approach, member was able to lose around 9 Kg fat in one and half month. Her hormonal activity started normalizing, her elevated cholesterol levels were under control, thyroid gland activity improved her thyroid medication dose was tapered from 100 mcg to 50mcg by her physician, Insulin resistance improved and her stress levels were under control. We were able to notice drastic positive change in her over all health. Kudos to the team!!

Devendra's Case Study
Personal History :
Name :
Weight :
Age :
Lifestyle :
Gender :
Medical History :
Dietary habits :
45.5 Kg
30 years
Muscle dystrophy
Assessment :
Member had a genetic condition called muscular dystrophy, this is caused by mutations in a person’s genes. Overtime muscle weakness increases making everyday tasks difficult. Muscular dystrophy can run in family or a person can be first one to have a muscular dystrophy. When he started with the program his muscles were very weak and he had problem performing day to day activities due to restrictions in mobility.
Medications :
Vitamin and Mineral supplements were recommended by physician.
Medical History Details :
Muscular dystrophy: Muscular dystrophy is a group of disease that cause progressive weakness and loss of muscle mass. In muscular dystrophy abnormal genes (mutations) interfere with the production of proteins needed to form healthy muscles. There are many kind of muscular dystrophy. Symptoms of most common variety begin in childhood , mostly in boys. Other types don’t surface until adulthood.
Most common symptoms of muscle dystrophy are as follows :
1. Frequent falls
2. Difficulty rising from lying position
3. Trouble running or jumping
4. Walking on toes
5. Large calf muscles
6. Muscle pain and stiffness
7. Learning disabilities
8. Delayed growth

Dietary Prescription :
Member’s diet recall was taken in to consideration and a diet rich in first class sources of protein was recommended to support muscle gain and muscle maintenance. The nutrition researcher’s main focus was on to improve muscle weakness. He was also evaluated for vitamins and minerals deficiencies and supplements were added to his routine based on the results. Maintianing balance between Protein, good fats and carbohydrates improved his overall performance.
Conclusion :
By following right nutrition approach, member was able to gain around 2 Kg muscle mass in 6 months, in spite of having a genetic condition that did not allow him to gain any muscle mass but which in turn degraded his muscle mass with time.His strength increased his mobility improved. He started performing his day to day activities independently. We were able to notice drastic positive change in his over all health. Kudos to the team!!
Payal's Case Study
Personal History :
Name :
Weight :
Age :
Lifestyle :
Gender :
Medical History :
Dietary habits :
72.3 Kg
31 years
Ovo veg
Assessment :
Member has a history of Pcos. These conditions have affected her overall performance in day-to-day life. She complains of feeling bloated most of the times ,irregular menstruation ,acne ,loss of hair ,mood swings and regular feeling of fatigue and lethargic
Medications :
Ayurvedic medicines.
Medical History Details :
Polycystic ovary SYNDROME is a problem with hormones that happens during the reproductive years. With Pcos, many small sacs of fluid develop along the outer edge of ovary. These are called cysts. Symptoms include ,irregular menstruation ,high androgen level, polycystic ovaries.

Dietary Prescription :
Member’s diet recall was taken in to consideration and balanced diet was recommended. The nutrition researcher’s main focus was on her metabolic healing, strategic fat-loss and muscle maintenance. She was also evaluated for vitamins and minerals deficiencies and supplements were added to her routine based on the results. The primary focus was always on improving her overall health the by-product of which was going to be attaining an ideal body composition.
Conclusion :
By following right nutrition approach, member was able to lose around 6 Kg fat in one and half month. Her hormonal activity started normalizing, was started with regular cycle, in addition to fat loss there was also good observation seen on acne loss, mood swings had been reduced and was feeling active and positive. We were able to notice drastic positive change in her overall health. Kudos to the team!!

Sophia's Case Study
Personal History :
Name :
Weight :
Age :
Lifestyle :
Gender :
Medical History :
Dietary habits :
Sophia Sadaphule
69 kg
23 years
Type I diabetes
Assessment :
Member had a genetic metabolic condition known as type I diabetes. Type I diabetes is a condition in which your immune system destroys insulin making cells in your pancreas. The condition is usually diagnosed in childhood or early adolescence. Member complained of low energy levels and stagnancy in fat-loss.
Medications :
Insulin injection
Possible side-effects of medication :
Redness, Swelling and itching at the site of injection, weight gain, constipation, hypoglycemia.
Medical History Details :
Type I diabetes : Type I diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition. In this condition, the pancreas make little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to allow sugar to enter cells to produce energy.
Dietary Prescription :
Member’s diet recall was taken in to consideration and balanced diet was recommended. The nutrition researcher’s main focus was on her metabolic healing, strategic fat-loss and muscle maintenance. She was also evaluated for vitamins and minerals deficiencies and supplements were added to her routine based on the results. The primary focus was always on improving her overall health the by-product of which was going to be attaining an ideal body composition.
Conclusion :
By following right nutrition approach, member was able to lose around 6 Kg fat in three months. She was able to manage her glucose levels in better way, her energy levels improved and the dietary changes started catalyzing her fat-loss process as well.There was a significant change in her aesthetics. We were able to notice drastic positive change in her over all health. Kudos to the team!!